We each get 24 hours per day to do what we wish. Our 24 hours seem to be taken up with family and livestock. 

It was still too windy on Monday to spray. But not too windy for Kade to get Jaxsen to pull the roping sled around so he could rope off of Stormy, maybe he wanted to rope off of her because it was stormy?? M218 was to be harvested on Monday, Billy got there and M218 jumped the 5-pole wood fence and ran back down to his pen and jumped the feed bunk and got back in. So Billy harvested him down there. Kaine used part of the $500 he won at Hermiston for GC Steer on his pickup, like over half. So he was pretty happy he could afford to do more to his pickup. Something about fixing the exhaust?? I think Toni and I should have gotten some of the money since we forced him to start jackpotting that steer, he would rather jackpot Red Velvet because he is easy. Toni, Kaine and Kade worked on the mesh fence Monday night, the horses are bending the top over the try to get the alfalfa. Toni also texted Jaxsen but he claims he did not see the text even though he was on his phone.

Tuesday was not as windy as it has been, but was still not warm, like it is summer. I am sure in a few weeks I am going to be complaining about how hot it is. Toni went to Ellensburg on Tuesday for the Cattlemens meeting. The kids washed their animals and cleaned out the Wilson for Toni and dad to take to Allies on Wednesday and pick up Cammie and Reba. Kade rode Honey and Joss. Tuesday night John brought out a warm blood for Toni to take up to Allies, a mini mare to go in with derringer and Lynn’s sister to see if Leo would breed her. Leo was eager but Bex was not.

On Wednesday Toni and Kade took Benelli to Allies to get preg checked, and she was open, a huge disappointment. They picked up Cammie and Reba. Anna and Kaine got the main herd in and sorted off the bull to go to Borbas and some steers to halter break for people. They left two calves that had gotten weaned in. Then they went into CBJLS to set up for the showmanship clinic that Hardy, Anna and Hannah are putting on on Saturday. I got to go to Suncadia for a meeting, it was a long drive for a short meeting. Toni stayed with grandma Wednesday night.

Thursday morning Kaine and Kade’s show steers and heifers had escaped. So Kaine got them in. Mom and dad went to St John to see Skip on Thursday and take him to the VA Urgent care, which we are not fans of the VA at this point.  Toni stopped and let Sammy out on her way by and fed Chick. John came out to pick up his warm blood that Toni brought back for him. So we walked around and looked at foals with John. It is always entertaining to see how the horses respond to a tall red-haired 6’6 human. He is a freak of nature so good exposure for the horses.

On Friday dad went to Lewiston to get pelleted Cotton Seed Hulls for the show cattle. Anna, Kaine and Kade took the show animals in to Sheena for travel papers. Anna went in and got her diploma, I guess it is official now, she can go to college. Toni took Mom to her appointment and then they went and got lunch. So they had a nice little lunch. Kade rode Joss through the flooded water trough area and then him and Toni rode Tina’s mare MB, fun. We got another outside mare to breed, we are about done accepting outside mares for the year. The weather has finally warmed up and it feels like summer.

Saturday was Anna, Hannah and Hardy’s show clinic. It was a lot of fun. The kids that participate all learned a lot. Mr Dansie, Mr Booker and Ben cooked lunch for everyone. Toni got the mares in out of the circle and then Kicker sprayed the chamomile flowers. Toni and Dad went to St. John to get Skip and take him to the doctor in the tri-cities.  Kaine, Kade and I practiced loading Cash so she could head to the trailer on Sunday. By the third time she loaded like a super star.

I went and checked Sagebug and Gunner’s pens on Sunday and got some new pictures out of them and put out mineral. Kade, Jaxsen and Toni moved their horses to their back pasture and Kade rode the horses out in the front and roped and drug a downed tree. All the kids washed their show animals. Anna, Kade and Jaxsen cleaned out the trailer and Ben and Kaine washed it out. Anna cleaned out Butte so I could bring it to work on Monday to get it detailed before we left for Angus Jr Nationals. After chores Jake showed up to take Cash to the trainer, she jumped in after he practice from the night before.

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