Another week gone by.

We woke up Monday to a windy windy day. Like tie down your trampolines windy. We also got some rain. It definitely does not feel like June. Anna was home Monday because she graduated, the boys had school and Kaine had football practice all week. So he is not a lot of help with chores. We moved some mares out of MC’s pen and put Miss Gen and Butterscotch in there. We got Cammie and Reba in to go to Allie’s on Tuesday. Then Toni went to stay with grandma. 

On Tuesday it was still cold and windy. The news said it was not going to be quite as windy on Tuesday. Toni, Anna and dad went to Allie’s with Cammie and Reba to get bred. They stopped at the Legends Bar/Casino/Restaurant that is right on the route to eat, which they normally don’t stop to eat on their quick trips. I guess Anna was with them so they needed to mare sure she enjoyed herself. When I got to mom and dads to do chores I almost stepped on a baby snake in front of the suburban. So I waited until Toni got there, since she was coming down the driveway to warn her. This is our second snake sighting for 2024 so far. Second snake being close to the house. We also went to move Rosie in with Cappy on Tuesday, she did not want to go so there was a lot of around and around the circle. We finally got her in and moved her. 

Mom went and stayed with grandma on Wednesday. The weather was much better on Wednesday. After we moved water, fed, etc, we went out to get some more hair from Hurricane, to send in a DNA sample. She was not enthused. Denise came and picked up the two year old Hereford bull on her way through WA. Now we just have three yearling horned Hereford bulls left for sale, for anyone looking. 

On Thursday dad was going to spray the field, but he was down in his back. Anna is down in the knee because she was unloading the chute, tripped and dropped it on her knee. Yes, the chute. We are all unclear on how she got it off herself, but she did. Lots of people down. Coco and Shea got here Thursday for Anna’s graduation party. I think Jaxsen is the only person that Shea remembered, where is Jaxsen? Is Jaxsen here? At least she remembered someone. We did chores with Shea’s help. She tried to feed the horses cookies, but Gucci and Blueberry are really the only ones that would take them from her. Shea rode Gina, petted Mirage, packed buckets, you know, the usual.  Shea is 2 and loves the animals. We lost Butterfly on Thursday, she has been going downhill the past few months so we had her in with Cleo to get Chick on feed and give Chick an adult horse to attach too. Never a fun thing to lose a horse, but we at least minimized the trauma to Chick. 

Friday was close to Joss’ the horse’s 2nd birthday, so Kade rode her. She did really well. Friday was the last full day of the school year. The boys have school Monday but it is 2 hours so we don’t make them go. They were all pretty excited to be DONE FOR THE SUMMER! Marlo was out and took some pics with Blueberry and Hitman. Shea helped Toni in the office on Friday, answering phones, etc. Then she went over to play with Scarlett and Scarlett’s brother (Kolton). We unloaded the whole truck full of groceries for the graduation party and then I went and stayed with grandma.  Coco, Shea, and Marlo went and had dinner at Toni’s. 

Saturday was mom’s birthday and the graduation party, we went over at 1 to set up. We all had a great time, it was slightly breezy, which made it nice and cool, but the picture stands would not stand up. Which I feel like was a fine trade off. Ben did a great job cooking, and I finally got to try Grandma Sherri’s famous Jello strawberry salad. The kids all rode Whitney’s electric bike. Everyone had a great time. We had a great turn-out for Lane and Anna’s graduations. We are proud of both of them. And it was great to be able to have our grandma, so Anna’s great-grandma at the party. She is doing well for her age, but she isn’t a spring chicken. 

We celebrated mom’s birthday on Sunday with left overs and pie. Kade jumped on Revel and rode her and she did great. Toni and Kade finished working the last of the horses. Then we caught Crystal, the last mare to foal, and put her in with the old horses. She is still a ways out. We went down to get hair from Laroy and saw that one of the circle gates was knocked down, so we fixed that, a heifer was in with the horses so we put her back. We got some new pics of the foals. We also went out to Gunner’s pen where Toni stood on a red ant hill and proceeded to get bit by red ants. We had to rush back to mom and dad’s so she could jump in the shower to get them off of her. Red ants are pretty tenacious when they get on a person. With the brief time we had in the Gunner pen we saw all the foals look good, got hair pulled on Kenna so we can see if she is HZ for roan. We also saw no surprise foal out of Charlie. We keep hoping….. 

The last week of school for the kids is always a great week. Having the kids home is one of our favorite things. Its time to get serious with showing cattle, building fence, and getting those 2 year olds broke! 

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